No matter what the reason is for your divorce, it can be an emotional process to go through. Sharing a life with someone means you have a lot of different intertwined connections, especially if you share children. At OC Divorce Mediation Center, we are here to help you separate in the least stressful manner possible.
We want to help you reach your ideal resolutions without having to fight in court. Using tactics such as divorce mediation, collaborative divorce, and cooperative divorce, we aim to guide you in a compassionate manner.
It is a common misconception that going to court and litigating a divorce is the only solution. Alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation, is much more prevalent and successful than you might think. Our Orange County divorce mediators have more than 45 years of combined experience in the field. In this time, we have helped many couples reach agreeable decisions through mediation and collaborative approaches.
Litigation is typically much more expensive and takes longer than the mediation process. You are also making your issues public in court, rather than allowing them to remain private between the parties involved in mediation. Additionally, mediation grants you control over the decisions which are made, rather than allowing a judge to decide. Mediation is typically more calm and peaceful, compared to a courtroom environment, which can guide you towards the best decisions.
Do you have questions about whether divorce mediation is right for you and your family? To set up an initial consultation at our Ladera Ranchor Irvine offices, please reach out to us today at (949) 565-4151.